National Vocation Awareness Week is celebrated from November 3 - 9, 2024. This week is the ideal time for all us to pray for those who are discerning the call to serve and also pray for those already serving. Through prayer and education, this is a great time for our church to elebrate the priesthood, consecrated life and the diaconate and for inviting and educating the next generation.
One way to help increase vocations is to support the CMA.
The Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA) plays a vital role in supporting vocations in several ways:
Financial Support for Seminaries: The CMA provides funding to seminaries and formation programs that education and train those seeking the priesthoods. This includes covering tuition and other essential expenses for seminarians.
Vocation Awareness Programs: The CMA supports initiatives and programs that raise awareness about vocations, such as workshops, retreats, and youth events that focus on discernment and the call to serve. One example of this is camp Quos Vadis. Click here to learn more.
Resources for Parishes: The CMA provides resources and materials to parishes to help foster a culture of vocations within local communities, encouraging parishioners to pray for and support vocations.
By contributing to the Catholic Ministries Appeal, donors are directly helping to cultivate and sustain vocations, ensuring that the Church continues to have dedicated priests, religious, and lay ministers to serve the community.
Please join us in prayer for Holy Hours for Vocations. See below for dates and locations.