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  • Writer's pictureCatholic Ministries Appeal

Your generous support of the Catholic Ministries Appeal is Building a Community of Faith

Updated: Oct 13, 2022

Meet our Deacons who will be ordained this week and our Seminarians.

“No vocation is born of itself or lives for itself. A vocation flows from the heart of God and blossoms in the good soil of faithful people.” -Pope Francis

Your donation to the Catholic Ministries Appeal supports Vocations to the priesthood in our Diocese. It ensures that our seminarians have the time, resources and guidance they need to discern their call to service. It also works to create a diocesan-wide culture that supports vocations, through promotion, education, and parish-based efforts to raise awareness of the priesthood.

Join us in congratulating the three men to be ordained to be priests in the Diocese of Rockville Centre on June 18th:

Deacon Louis Cona

Deacon Christopher Heller

Deacon Stephen Rooney

We are pleased to introduce some other men are in the formation process:

Seminarian Steven McClernon

"In an ever-changing world, the Catholic Church stands as a beacon of stability. The Catholic Ministries Appeal assists me with being a shepherd of souls in this turbulent world. It provides me the resources to better study the Catholic faith and better prepares me to bring the Good News to all in our society. I am grateful for the Catholic Ministries Appeal for the work they do of bringing God's healing message to all on Long Island.

Seminarian Jonathan Pham

"The generous support of the Catholic Ministries Appeal aids in my discernment towards priesthood to serve the good people of God on Long Island. Through the depth of prayer and study, I am able to cultivate the heart and mission of the Good Shepherd."

Seminarian Joseph Krug

"As a seminarian, I am tasked with learning all that I can about our great Catholic faith, to be better equipped to help bring people closer to God as a priest. The Catholic Ministries Appeal has provided me with all the resources I need to study well so that I will be ready to preach the Gospel in the Diocese of Rockville Centre."

Seminarian Herley Mendez

"As a seminarian, my call is to mold my heart to the heart of Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd, who gave His life for his sheep. To be a seminarian is to be a friend of Christ and follow His Footsteps, carry on what He began, and spread it in every place, always, and to the entire world. Every Christian can take part in this great mission by bringing the Word of God to all people throughout the world as Our Lord Jesus Christ asks us to do (Mt. 28). As a Hispanic missionary seminarian, the Catholic Ministries Appeal is an answer to the call of Christ and the prayers of many communities that ask God for vocations to respond and help in the pastoral needs of our bishops in each Diocese. Through the support of the CMA and all the people who collaborate with them, God continues to encourage vocations and the mission of bringing the Word of Salvation to His people. I feel very blessed to be able to answer my call in the Diocese of Rockville Center. The CMA has supported me by providing the necessary resources to access formation programs where I can receive the knowledge and skills to experience and encounter Christ and serve and support the needs of our Diocese. I thank all those who join this noble campaign because they help not only in the formation of seminarians but also in programs that support the most vulnerable, giving fruits of charity and love, and thus, promote the mission of saving all the People of God."

Seminarian Nicholas Waldron

"The Catholic Ministries Appeal has been an essential support of my answering the Lord's call to priestly ministry. Now completing my sixth year in the seminary, I am incredibly grateful for the opportunities the Appeal has afforded me along the way. Among these opportunities has been the ability to study the richness of the Catholic intellectual tradition, which I hope to apply to my future ministry. Most importantly the Appeal has allowed to me to draw closer to the Heart of the Good Shepard as I look forward to serving Him and the people of God on Long Island."

Seminarian Dillon Vita

"The great generosity of the Catholic Ministries Appeal allows seminarians like myself to discern, in freedom, what the Lord will with our lives so that we can give an emphatic "Yes" to His call. The Catholic Ministries Appeal plays an indispensable role in the life of the Church of Long Island. It makes it possible for the Church to form men in whom God wishes to use as His priests."

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