Long Island’s senior population is growing led by the aging of Baby Boomers, a decrease in the birthrate, and an out-migration of young people. In the last decade, this demographic has increased by 25-30%.

Many of our seniors live active, vibrant lifestyles, and volunteer in their communities and parishes, providing a wealth of life experiences. Unfortunately, a segment of the senior population is alone and in need of social services.
The rising prices of food, housing, utilities, and, of course, taxes have led to a 65% increase in the poverty rate for this demographic. Many seniors find it challenging to stay in their homes and to maintain proper nutrition.
Catholic Charities Senior Services lovingly offer a wide range of food, housing, and social activities to help seniors live as independently as possible. Meals on Wheels is an essential nourishment program that provides delicious hot meals and frozen meals. This program not only provides sustaining nutritional meals, but a spiritual, safe, and social network for this home-bound community.
Volunteers who deliver the meals are not only welcomed friendly faces to the recipients, but they spiritually and socially connect with them. Their cheerful visits also serve as wellness checks. If they feel a client is in need, these drivers will call a case manager who can further assess the situation and contact the family if needed. Seniors are incredibly grateful for the blessings of the Meals on Wheels program and look forward to the arrival of their driver who is their face of God.
Did you know that there is no income requirement for Meals on Wheels? The only requisite is the need for help in preparing meals, such as standing or shopping. Perhaps you or someone you love is in need of vital nutrition.
Learn more about Catholic Charities Meals on Wheels program by viewing this video here.